Review: Looking Back On Forever by Kat Alexander

Review: Looking Back On Forever by Kat Alexander

There are moments in time that stand out more than others: your first kiss, a special birthday party, seeing your baby for the first time, an intimate conversation, a first date, even something as little as sitting around a dining room table with friends. This is the story of the moments that stood out after I first laid eyes on Noah Gish. ~ Claire Sawyer
The city, it used to be a place I loved and missed with an ache in my gut. It was home. The place where I grew up, where I had fun, where I had my friends, where life was as good as I knew it to be. Then I was shipped off to a place that begins the story of how I fell in love, just to screw everything up. ~ Noah Gish
Claire and Noah shared the kind of love that was unbreakable … or so they thought.
Claire is a girl with dreams of being a Prima Donna, wanting nothing more than to sing her heart out to thousands of people. Noah is a simple boy who wants nothing more than to play his guitar and live the simple life.
As high school love moves on, the changes in their lives overwhelm Noah. He abandons Claire, leaving her to pick up the broken pieces of her heart and move on … as much as she can.
Her dreams shattered, she spends years running from her past, until she’s forced back to the city that played a role in destroying them.
What will Claire do when the love of her life comes back years later, hoping to pick up where they left off? When Noah finds out how much has changed throughout the years, will he run again? In the end, do you ever move on from your first love? Or do you remind yourself of why they weren’t the only?


This book had so much potential to be a 5 star read but certain things just didn’t work for me. The book is told in two parts. The first part was good, a little slow plot wise and it did tend to drag in some areas. Eventually the story picked up and I found myself not being able to stop reading. I loved the build up between the characters. They didn’t rush into anything and I enjoyed the slow burn to their romance. The story was told in dual point of view which I also loved!! I did feel a connection to the characters while reading which was another plus for me. My issue with the book happened in part two. The author starts laying the groundwork for some inevitable drama between the main characters and I wasn’t surprised when it finally did happen. My issue with this was the hero’s reasoning. When we find out why he did, what he did, I was livid! Really?? This was something that was so silly and could have been rectified if he would have communicated with her!!! Instead he put her through all this stress for a bs (imo) reason!!! After that I pretty much checked out of the story to be honest. In this case I felt the heroine was too good for him!! For a debut author this was a good book and she has a lot of potential!
3.5 Book Corner Stars
*review copy received by author for honest opinion*
Available on Kindle Unlimited:


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