Book Review: Intercepted by Alexa Martin

Review:  This book came highly recommended by several Book friends and bloggers. I was curious to read as I am a BIG sports fan and the characters in this book are diverse. I’m happy to report this was a great read!! The story had me laughing out loud so many times and I loved the hashtags. Gavin and Marlee have […]

Book Review: The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

Review:  This was a cute romantic comedy and I’m really starting to become a big fan of Jasmine Guillory. Carlos and Nikole meet during an embarrassing moment for Nikole at a baseball game. Carlos saves the day and the rest is history. I really liked how they met because it was unusual and as a baseball fan I always wondered […]

Book Review: Sweatpants Season by Danielle Allen

Review:  Akila knows she shouldn’t be attracted to Carlos but she can’t help it. Carlos is associated with a group of guys that she’s against. This is where things got tricky and interesting. I could see both sides of the each character but I was on Akila’s side more. In addition to enemies to lovers this was also a slow […]

Book Review: A Duke By Default by Alyssa Cole

My Review:  I’ve been dying to read Portia’s story since “A Princess in Theory” and it didn’t disappoint at all. We are introduced to Portia, in the previous book and she was very easy not to like.  I knew there was another side to her and I couldn’t wait to until unravel the many layers that is Portia. On her […]

New Review: El Pecador (El Santo Book 2) by M. Robinson

Shelly’s Review: I couldn’t wait for this book to see what was going to happen between Damien and Amira especially after the way the first book ended! We pick up right where we left off and it was intense! This story took me on such an emotional rollercoaster. We had so many twists and turns and my jaw literally dropped […]