ARC Review: Tiger’s Claim by Celia Kyle

Review: This book continues the story line from “A Wolf’s Mate” and the main characters are Cole and Stella. I liked Stella but at times Stella’s choices annoyed me. I understand her past history but she really needed to take a step back and remember what was at stake. I liked Cole but I didn’t feel like I got to […]

Book Review: Night Of Miracles by Elizabeth Berg

Review:  So after reading and loving “The Story Of Arthur Truluv” I had to read this book. This book focused on Lucille, who we are introduced in the first book. Lucille is old and set in her ways. Has no problem making her opinions known and has a good heart. I really liked this story as it talks about living […]

Book Review: The Stranger Inside by Jennifer Jaynes

Review: Diane is trying to pick up the pieces after her husband’s suicide. She has two children Alexa and Josh. Diane has a very strained relationship with Alexa who is dealing with some deep issues. When I heard her backstory, I can’t help but feel for her but I wish she would have spoken up sooner about all her issues. […]

Book Review: Rule by Ellen Goodlett

Review: This book is about three sisters Zofi, Akeylah and Ren. They all come from different walks of life and are reunited with each other when the King announces he is dying and one of them will ascend to the throne. With the way this book was set up it could have gone either way. I’m happy to report this […]