Book Review: Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado
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My thoughts:
“But I’m also surrounded by messages that tell me I need shape-wear, I need to lose weight, I need to fit into straight sizes, I need to look like an Insta girl, I need to be tiny to be loved.”
I wish I had this book when I was a teenager. As someone who has struggled with weight issues their WHOLE life, I empathized and sympathized with Charlie on SO many levels. It’s hard growing up not being thin when being thin is what is shoved down your throat on a regular and routine basis. Getting changed in the locker room for gym class in high school was absolutely traumatizing, being judged over your food choices, feeling second best to your thin best friend. Trying and failing every fad diet. I’ll be here for days with how much I related to this story.
Charlie Vega has down became one of my favorite characters after reading this book. Watching Charlie blossom, transform in the person I wanted to be, and do everything I couldn’t do when I was her age was absolutely wonderful. This book will definitely stay with me for a very long time. I LOVED the diversity and inclusion in this story. Brown fat girl, Black pansexual, Asian love interest with two moms. I’m here for it all!! Complex mother/daughter relationship. This was such a genuine and heartfelt story. If you made it this far thanks for reading my rambling of words.