Book Review: Ace Of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
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My thoughts:
The book has been dubbed as Gossip Girl meets Get Out and it definitely fits the description. This has been one of my most anticipated reads of the summer and it did not disappoint at all. One word of advice while reading this story is to NOT trust ANYONE in this story. You wouldn’t believe how many times I had my heart crushed when twists were revealed.
“I learned when I was younger to keep how I really felt buried, deal with feelings later, on my own. I’m good at burying things in deep boxes in my mind. I’m good at being okay most of the time. Until I’m not, and the boxes burst open and I explode.”
I related to Devon so much while reading this story. As someone who deals with anxiety issues I understand all to well about burying things deeply in the boxes in my head.
“I hate how they have the power to kill my future, kill me. They treat my Black skin like a gun or grenade or a knife that is dangerous and lethal, when really, it’s them. The guys at the top powering everything.”
I would have liked a little follow up with one of the characters, but other than that this was a very solid and exciting debut by Faridah Abike-Iyimide.
About the Book:
Gossip Girl meets Get Out in Ace of Spades, a YA contemporary thriller by debut author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé about two students, Devon & Chiamaka, and their struggles against an anonymous bully.