Book Blitz + Review: Same Page by G.L. Thomas

Naima vibed with Timothy from the first moment they met. Attraction wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did—with no time to turn back.
Timothy knew better. But that moment—her mouth pressed against his—made him forget about his girlfriend and he would do anything to get another chance to kiss those lips.
Can two close friends get on the same page in this Brown Sugar meets Love Jones interracial erotic romance!
The chemistry and connection between Timothy and Naima was just right. It wasn’t forced or rushed which I love! I loved how they brought out different sides of each other and pushed each other as well. Having a woman of color as the lead was so cool and she’s from Staten Island like myself. The authors didn’t lie there is nothing to do on this island! This story does have cheating but if you can get pass the cheating, you will definitely be in for a special treat! I enjoyed the writing style and the story held my interest. In this book you have drama, romance and comedy. What I liked most about the book is we have an interracial couple as the main couple. This is very rare in the New Adult and Contemporary Romance novels I have read.I stayed up to 1 am reading and had to start the second book “Next Chapter” right away. This book had everything I loved and I will definitely be supporting this author in the future!
4 Book Corner Stars
Guinevere is the G. Libertad is the L. Seems fitting to go by GL Tomas as twin coauthors with a mission. Known to most as the “Twinjas” from the platform Twinja Book Reviews, a review blog that supports and promotes diversity in YA titles and speculative fiction, they hope to successfully cross genres successfully with their romance debut Same Page.