Blog Tour+Review:The Abbie Diaries by Amelie Stephens
Meet Abbie, cubicle dweller by day, blogger by night. Acting as her online diary, the blog features a no-holds-barred, true life, gritty account of her sometimes funny, sometimes painful, often dirty love life. Oh, and she doesn’t always change the names to protect the innocent. After a date with coworker, Toby, she has a new reason to hate Mondays. When the post goes viral, Toby seeks revenge and enlists the help of his buddy Parker to do it. Both guys soon realize when she isn’t bad-mouthing men, she’s pretty likable, maybe even lovable, which really puts a crimp in Toby’s revenge plot. As if her life life and work life colliding aren’t challenging enough, Abbie has a crazy roommate with a vacuuming obsession, a serious problem with alcohol resulting in BUI: blogging under the influence, and a broken heart. All may be fair in love and war, but what happens next will rock the internet and her world.
Raise your hand if you ever sent a drunk text! If so you will definitely want to read this book. This book shows the aftermath of blogging while drunk! This book is so fitting especially for this day and age with everyone being obsessed with social media. Poor Abbie has to learn the hard way over and over again. There are parts that made me cringe because it was so dead on. There were also a lot of laugh out loud moments.I wish the story was longer. I would love to learn what the future holds for Abbie and her man. I’m hoping we can get another book and see how the gang is doing.If you’re looking for a fun, cute quick read this book is for you!! I give this book3.5 Book Corner Stars
Amelie Stephens is a twenty-something wife and mother who loves to tell sweet and funny romantic stories, often those that have come from her own life. When she’s not changing diapers or cooking meals for her family, she’s writing.