ARC Review: When The Stars Lead To You by Ronni Davis
Ashton and Devon meet during the summer and have a typical summer fling but things don’t always go as planned. Not going to lie I didn’t feel their connection right away. I would have also liked to read both points of views from the characters during their time apart. As the story progressed and they started to spend more time together I started feeling the connection between Ashton and Devon. My heart was heavy for the both of them because they had SO many obstacles standing in their way and all they wanted to do was just be together. But sometimes love isn’t enough. *sighs*
This was a very nice debut novel by Ronni Davis. This book touches on a heavy topic which is depression. I loved how this book show you both sides of depression, how it affects the person dealing with the condition and how it affects the people that care about them as well. This story also touches on racism and classism as well. I did feel this book was rather on the long side and at times the pacing was a little off but overall I did enjoy the story. I look forward to reading more books by Ronni Davis in the future.
Triggers: Suicide attempt.