Book Review: Pen Pal by J.T. Geissinger
My thoughts:
As a seasoned romance reader I went into this story just knowing how it was going to play out and I was so wrong. This story had me all over the place and the second twist just about did me in and I had to stop reading. If you can’t do what Aidan did for Kayla for me then I don’t want you. At all.
“C’mon, little rabbit. If you’re good, I’ll feed you a carrot later on.”
At first I keep thinking of Elmer Fudd, but eventually this grew on me and I’m okay with that.
“Hey, bunny,” he says softly, his eyes shining with adoration. “Did you miss me?”
“You found me,” I whisper, crying tears of joy.”
*insert ugly crying meme here*
As much as I enjoyed this story I had one issue and I just want to stress that just because someone has a mental illness that doesn’t always mean they are violent. We really need to stop painting mentally ill people in that light.