Review: Waiting To Fall by Alyson Reynolds

Review: Waiting To Fall by Alyson Reynolds

Waiting To Fall by Alyson Reynolds


Title: Waiting to Fall
Series: Waiting Duet #2
Author: Alyson Reynolds
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 16, 2017


Finn Crawford never thought his life would change with one stupid dare. Or that he would make the mistake of taking things too far with his twin sister’s best friend. Now he’s fighting off an attraction he didn’t expect.Cora Donovan doesn’t want a relationship, especially one with the guy who’s always been there for her when she needed it most. Just being in the same room as him makes her body heat up in ways she never thought possible.

There’s only one other thing that might stand in their way of being together, if they can actually figure out how to make it work. Neither of them want to hurt Olivia, and if they broke up, that’s exactly what would happen. Sometimes it’s hard to determine if love is worth the risk.

I’ve been anxiously waiting for Finn and Cora’s story and it didn’t disappoint me at all!! We were introduced to Finn and Cora in “Waiting To Breathe” they both grow up together and one day everything changes. They both  develop an attraction to each other but don’t want to act on it and ruin their friendship. Man, I love these kinds of books the best!!
Despite their efforts to stay away from each other, they fail miserably and this is when things get interesting. Finn and Cora have some insanely hot chemistry!! I loved their connection. Their banter. The way they teased each other, supported each other. This couple did work my last nerve with their stubbornness at times!! I wanted to reach in my Kindle and tell them cut it out already!!! They are made for each other but kept letting doubts get in their way. When you find out Cora’s backstory it all makes sense why she is the way she is but this is Finn!! As the story progresses we have some drama but not the kind I was expecting and my heart was in my throat once again with what will happen with the couple.
This is the second book that I have read by this author and I really like her writing style, the pacing was on point and the story held my interest. The author created loveable and relatable characters that you can’t help but connect with.I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future.
4 Book Corner Stars


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Author Bio
Romance writer. Wife. Mother of two. Avid reader. Queen of multitasking.
Originally from the south, Alyson likes to incorporate what she knows into her books. She’s lived not only on the east coast, but the west coast and a few places in between. Alyson loves sharing stories about her crazy family to anyone who will listen. Her guilty pleasures consist of coffee, country music, brunch, breaking the rules, and pedicures. And she will always be a daddy’s girl.
When Alyson isn’t chasing around her two kiddos, she’s normally writing. Or reading. Her Kindle library is out of control. Alyson writes mainly contemporary novels and novellas with a bit of new adult mixed in.


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