Review: Not In My Wildest Dreams by Jamie Hollins

Review: Not In My Wildest Dreams by Jamie Hollins

Not In My Wildest Dreams by Jamie Hollins
It really sucks to be in love with someone 
who sees you as nothing more than a friend. 

McKenna Series #2
Jamie Hollins
Releasing Feb 7th, 2017

It really sucks to be in love with someone who sees you as nothing more than a friend. Darcy Owens knows this from personal experience. From the moment she met Sean McKenna as a wary ten-year-old, he’s owned her heart. So when he asks for her help with an important construction project, she can’t say no.

Building a boutique hotel on Boston’s waterfront is a career-making opportunity, and Sean needs Darcy’s interior design expertise. She’s incredibly talented, and there is no one he trusts more. He knows he can always count on his childhood friend, but doesn’t know why he’s thinking about her tight skirts and blue eyes instead of tight deadlines and blueprints.

When Sean and Darcy’s excitement about their work turns into an entirely different kind of excitement, it’s a sexy surprise. But they soon realize that building a new relationship is more challenging than building a new hotel, especially when life-long habits and old insecurities create cracks in the foundation.


Can a friendship turn into a romance? Someone that you knew since grade school?  Someone who meant everything to you? Darcy had one man in mind, and that man was Sean.
Playing the dirty dozen with girlfriends saying anything and everything. But once virginity card comes into play, Darcy passes on the answer. No one knew except her close friend and roommate that the sexy decorator was a twenty-eight year old virgin. She was holding out for the right guy. And she wished it was her lifelong friend, Sean. While working together on a project, they know they have chemistry. But should they cross that line? There are bumps in the road as they learn more about each other. With his sister that his parents put on a pedestal and her pure hatred for her parents. As time goes by, Darcy feels like the relationship is one sided. Her heart breaks. Sean eventually realizes that she is his counterbalance.
You have to be friends first and foremost to build a foundation. Darcy and Sean have that platform. They are strong together as a couple. I really liked Not In My Wildest Dreams. The story was well written and I’ll be sure to check out this author again.
4 Book Corner Stars





wasborn and raised in rural Northeast Ohio.

After graduate school, she embarked on a perilous career in Human

Resources where she met plenty of real life characters.  When she’s not writing or chasing after her

toddler, she enjoys reading and golfing.

Jamie lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, son, and their dog,




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